Little Things - Phyllis Chen (New Focus)


Fabian Svennson - Toy Toccata (in Black and White) for solo toy piano    
Angélica Negrón - The Little Things for toy instruments and live electronics
Takuji Kawai - Okura for solo toy piano
Nathan Davis - The Mechanics of Escapement for toy piano and clock chimes
Andrián Pertout - Pi (Obstruction) for solo toy piano
Karlheinz Essl - Whatever Shall Be for toy piano, dreidel, chopstick, music box, and electronics
Dai Fujikura - Milliampere for solo toy piano

Praised by the LA Times as “a dazzling delight,” Phyllis Chen’s new album features a wide range of works written or dedicated to her in the last few years, as she continues to expand the range of the toy piano in a concert setting. Also an active composer, Ms. Chen's creative sensibility pervades these commissions, as her innovative approach to the instrument emboldened the composers to experiment and imagine new worlds for this under appreciated instrument.

Beth Beauchamp